

Whether you are acquiring or selling a technology driven business, we help guide you through the diligence process.

Technology assets are hard to value, and technology risk is hard to measure. Whether you are buying or selling a company, technology diligence is hard to get right. And getting diligence wrong can be a deal breaker.

Experience is the Difference Maker

We have led and advised on technical diligence for over a dozen aqcuisitions. Our experience gives you the confidence that you will understand the precise value and capabiltities of the product, team, and technology being acquired.

Sell Side

Acquisitions are a one-off event for most product technology teams. As a result, leaders are often not sure how to deliver on the diligence items requested by prospective acquirers. Without adequate support, teams tend to over or under deliver on diligence. This can put deals that otherwise make a lot of sense at risk. We help sellers efficiently deliver technology diligence.

Buy Side

Acquirers often understand markets better than technology. Validating that technology does what it says, can continue to scale, and does not come with hidden risk helps assure that investors are getting what they expect. We help buyers by leading the technology diligence process.